Every year the Society of Human Resource Management has an annual conference with a specific HR related theme. This year’s theme is to “Drive Change”. This conference is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in HR, network with other professionals, and learn new skills. If you’re looking to advance your career in HR, attending a related conference is a great way to do it.
There are various Human Resource conferences out there, this is just the one we personally like to attend. Some factors to consider when choosing a conference may be the following:
- Your interests and those of the company
- The budget you have alotted for conferences throughout the fiscal year
- Your target markets and if the conference attendees are the market you want

Every year TLG has several teammates attend SHRM, typically from the Sales and Human Resource departments. So, what is it about SHRM specifically that they value?
According to the sales team, they appreciate meeting HR professionals who have challenges communicating with their Deaf and limited English-speaking employees. This challenge becomes more complex for Human Resource departments with each passing year.
The Sales team also appreciates the networking opportunities with other exhibitors and industry professionals. “Each year we learn from others about industry news and trends that may affect our customers and service offerings” stated Madison Handley, Manager of Client Services at The Language Group.
Like in human resources, TLG’s business is about people. We help people connect with confidence in any language, written or spoken.
Unlike the Sales Team, who attend as an exhibitor, TLG’s Human Resource Manager, Lorien Picou, is a SHRM member and attendee and views the conference in a somewhat different light. “Being surrounded by so many in HR – it motivates and energizes you to be your best self in your career” stated Picou. She also appreciates the speakers and headliners as they ‘fill in the gaps or increase your knowledge in areas you may not feel as versed’. She also states that these conferences allow you to find vendors and solutions to help you do your job in the best way possible. You get answers and support in areas needed most.
Like in human resources, TLG’s business is about people. Helping people connect with confidence in any language, written or spoken. TLG provides HR clients with a wide range of language services, including in-person, over-the-phone, and virtual interpretation, as well as translation of documents, websites, and training materials.
TLG is committed to our partnerships with Human Resources Departments and will continue to attend the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) to enhance our services for those in need.